John Branca.....chi è costui?
Ecco alcuni articoli interessanti sul personaggio di John Branca, esecutore testamentario dei beni di Michael Jackson.
Le informazioni qui di seguito rivelano uno scenario parecchio inquietante sull’avvocato, ed è per questo che sostengo con sicurezza che i figli di Michael di quello che c’è non vedranno praticamente niente.
In questo articolo si parla di John Branca come presidente della Grammy Foundation and Musicares Foundation. Questo spiega la presenza dei figli di Michael sul palco dei Grammies.
La sua vice, Mary Pattiz, ci tengo a precisare, è una specialista in problemi di alcool e droghe\farmaci (e qual è la causa della morte di Michael?).
Musicares & The Grammy Foundation Elect New Officers And New Directors
"The GRAMMY Foundation and MusiCares Foundation, affiliated charities of The Recording Academy, announced that their respective Boards have elected new Officers as well as additional Directors. John Branca, a partner at Ziffren, Brittenham, Branca, Fischer, Gilbert-Lurie & Stiffelman LLP, will serve as Board Chair for MusiCares. Steve Schnur, worldwide executive of music and marketing for Electronic Arts, will continue to serve as the GRAMMY Foundation’s Chair."
In addition to the newly elected Branca as Chair, the MusiCares roster of Officers is filled by certified drug and alcohol counselor Mary Pattiz as Vice Chair and the Urban Network’s Publisher and CEO Miller London as Secretary/Treasurer.
Questa è una parte di interrogatorio fatto da Mesereau ai tempi del processo a David LeGrand, che ha confermato che Branca è stato licenziato da Michael anni prima e che era stato già pagato per i suoi servizi.
E’ interessante capire perché Branca stia ancora rappresentando Michael Jackson, dato che quest’ultimo lo aveva già licenziato.
Mesereau : All right. So you would agree with me that Mr. Branca worked for Mr. Jackson, was paid for by Mr. Jackson, correct? He received money from Mr. Jackson for services, true?
LeGrand : I believe the Ziffren law firm received compensation from Mr. Jackson for legal services, yes.
Mesereau : Do you think Mr. Branca ever received any of those moneys for work that he performed?
LeGrand : I believe Mr. Branca was paid by his firm, yes.
Mesereau : All right. And Mr. Jackson (sic) was one of the people he fired when he was cleaning house, true?
LeGrand : Yes

Ancora durante l’interrogatorio a LeGrand. Viene fuori che Branca era in combutta con Mottola (SONY) per sottrarre a Michael del denaro (parecchio denaro). Quando questo è stato scoperto, Branca è stato licenziato e Mottola pure….giusto per salvare le apparenze. Peccato che sia poi venuto fuori che i mega della Sony passassero le informazioni a Sneddon sulle finanze di Michael, e che Branca sia stato ripreso a lavorare con Michael per il This is it su indicazione di AEG, ora in accordo con Sony.
MESEREAU: Why did you investigate Mr. Branca?
LEGRAND: I requested -- well, let me back up. After consultation with my partner, Mr.Gibson, and discussion with I believe Mr. Joss at Paul Hastings, Mr. Gibson and I instructed the firm Interfor to investigate Mr. Branca, because Mr.Konitzer had indicated in several conversations that he was very concerned about Mr. Branca and that Mr. Jackson had expressed concern about Mr. Branca’s loyalty.
Also, there was -- Mr. Schaffel related information that also was negative of Mr. Branca. So we made collectively the decision to ask Interfor to further the background investigation, to conduct investigation into Mr. Branca.
MESEREAU: But at the time, Konitzer didn’t know that you were also investigating him, right?
LEGRAND: That’s correct.
MESEREAU: At the time, Schaffel didn’t know you were also investigating Schaffel, right?
LEGRAND: That’s correct.
MESEREAU: At the time, Weizner didn’t know you were also investigating Weizner, right? …
LEGRAND: That’s correct. We did not inform them of the scope of -- the full scope of Interfor’s actions at our request.
MESEREAU: And the investigator’s report indicated it appeared that Sony was involved in that account, right?
LEGRAND: The investigator’s report indicated that Sony had transferred money to the account.
MESEREAU: Sony had transferred money to that account for the benefit of Mr. Jackson’s lawyer, right?
LEGRAND: That’s what was indicated in the report. …
MESEREAU: You investigated Mr. Branca because, in your words, you thought he was involved in self-dealing, right? …
LEGRAND: Again, you know, I want to be clear. I consulted with my partner and, you know, other lawyers, and we collectively made a decision to -- that it was prudent to have our investigator look into the possibility of such actions being taken by Mr. Branca.
MESEREAU: Isn’t it true that you were trying to investigate offshore accounts owned by Branca and someone named Tommy Motolla?
MESEREAU: Who was Tommy Motolla?
LEGRAND: He was a very powerful figure in the record industry at one time. I believe he was the president of the Sony Entertainment Division in the U.S. I’m not sure of his exact title or position.
MESEREAU: Were you concerned that Tommy Motolla and Mr. Jackson’s lawyer, John Branca, were working together to defraud Michael Jackson? …
LEGRAND: Based on the suspicions that were expressed to me and my partner, we asked Interfor to look into these rumors.
MESEREAU: Was it your belief when you started this investigation that Al Malnik, Tommy Motolla, John Branca and people at Sony were trying to find a way to get Mr. Jackson’s interest in that music catalog?
AUCHINCLOSS: Objection. Argumentative; leading; relevancy.
THE COURT: Overruled. You may answer.
LEGRAND: I’m not sure that I would include Al Malnik in that group, but I certainly was concerned that Branca and Motolla, in particular, had set the stage, so to speak, for Sony to be able to obtain Michael’s interest in the Sony/ATV joint venture.
After the investigation, Michael White resigned in writing and putting it out of anything that represents.
It appears that White did not follow instructions and did not return the documents ...
If Michael fired him of any function or speak on their behalf, after an investigation that links directly to Tommy Motolla and Sony ...
The legacy of 2002 is really quest
Grazie al TINI che mi ha segnalato la deposizione
Il Testamento……sicuri che sia valido?
According to records the alleged will was executed
the 7th of July, 2002 at 5:00PM in Los Angeles, California.
Three (3) Parties that were there that day to witness the
signing of Michael Joseph Jackson and his will:
John G. Branca Entertainment Attorney
John McClain Music Executive
Barry Seigel CPA (Aug 26, 2003 resigned his duty as
Trustee/Co Executor)
Is there evidence that Michael Jackson’s Final Will
Could be Invalid? Was the will improperly signed, the will
makes the witnesses both Executor's and Trustee's. The
California Probate Code allows anyone to witness a will, but
is an interested party witness it two disinterested parties
have to also witness it, or it will be consider writing under
duress among other this unless the devise or plan was made
solely a fiduciary purpose as in one, but the will named them
both Executors and trustees. There is a difference between
an executor and a trustee.This is a matter for the interpretation
of the court. An executor is listed on a will and the trustee is
listed in the trust. With Barry Seigels' resignation the only two
witness' and co-executor's left are John Branca and John McClain.
Branca was the lawyer who arranged for Jackson to make
the smartest business move of his career, purchasing The
Beatles’publishing catalog in 1985. He was also instrumental
in facilitating the merger of ATV (Jackson’s company) with Sony,
creating one of the world’s largest independent music publishers.
Jackson abruptly left Branca in 1990 when record company mogul
David Geffen convinced him that Branca exerted too much control
over him. Jackson re-hired him three years later, and served as
one of Jackson’s representatives on the Board of Sony/ATV.
In 2006, Branca resigned as Jackson’s lawyer and apparently
sold back his equity interest in Sony/ATV.
Two weeks before Michael Jackson's passing, Jackson rehired Branca.
Have we seen the papers that prove Michael hired him at this time?
JACKSON IN 2006 later to be rehired by Michael Jackson
not even 2 weeks prior to his death. I guess well see what happens
tomorrow Katherine Jackson is headed to the courts to get Branca
removed. TMZ reporting Attorney Brian Oxman -- the lawyer who pops
up from time to time in the Jackson saga ,says he has a document
proving Jackson fired Branca.
Grazie al
Un’altro scenario inquietante lo rappresenta Howard Weitzman, che rappresenta Branca e McClain nell’estate di Michael.
Weitzman e Branca hanno anche rappresentato l’estate di Kurt Cobain e guardate cosa è venuto fuori:
The above picture is of Howard Weitzman and John Branca. Weitzman
is legally representing Branca and McClain on the Estate of Michael
Jackson. Weitzman represented Courtney Love in the Cobain Estate.
Ask Courtney Love about Weitzman and the Cobain Estate.
John BRANCA was (or still is not sure) executor of estate of Kurt Cobain.
But Cortney LOve posted on his twitter (the account has already been deleted), but I found this link also:
and how on earth is there 24 accounts at one bank and 162 at another with all sorts of cars and credit all over 542 96 101011 minutes ago from web
seattle people do the math how is my daighter penniless? shes a minor! iid ont spend her money, she doesnt spend her money,11 minutes ago from web
all of them like i posted last night when my lawyer whio is the first one to realise whats happened and to go ater these greedy and stupid12 minutes ago from web
convinced me to do so, Activision has made thier press release, we shall make ours and we shall seek acyive damages against these fuckers12 minutes ago from web
now any smart musician knows you never EVER sell publishing whatsoever, but weitman who oozes so much charm for such a tiny fella13 minutes ago from web
certainly no frances's at one time Weitzman in 05 had me believeing i had no choice but to sell some publishing of kurts14 minutes ago from web
fake ssns the dead Frances B and franbces D cobain when theres hardly been any cobains in this country ever, and there arent any now14 minutes ago from web
i dont tend to believe in cospiracies, i get freaked out by people who do, so the forgeries the phony bank accounts the refiled taxes w15 minutes ago from web
all i do besides make my record is fight these jackals it took me a goddammed long time to understand that there was a conspiracy16 minutes ago from web
COURTNEY Love finally sobered up and realized that some of the people handling Kurt Cobain's estate had lost all the money the Nirvana frontman had left her and their daughter, Frances Bean, her lawyer says.
A team of investigators, forensic accountants and lawyers found that Cobain's estate had been looted of more than $30 million cash and up to $500 million in real estate.
"I have never seen such greed and moral turpitude. This case is going to make Bernard Madoff look warm and fuzzy," Love's lawyer, Rhonda J. Holmes, of Gordon & Holmes in San Diego, told Page Six.
"We will be filing civil cases . . . within the next 30 days. There are many, many millions missing. We've only been able to track down $30 million, but there is more. And then there is the real estate."
According to Holmes, bank accounts using Cobain, Love and Frances Bean's Social Security numbers were set up and used to buy and sell real estate across the US.
"There is now a web of homes which were bought, flipped and used to launder money -- up to $500 million worth," Holmes said. "Any of the property we can get back will be donated to people who have lost their homes in foreclosures."
Asked how this could have happened, Holmes said, "Courtney noticed the money was gone when there wasn't any left. It's no secret she struggled with substance-abuse issues, but in the last year she's taken a more serious approach to sobriety and started noticing things were wrong. She hired private investigators, accountants and me.
"We are also working with local and federal authorities," Holmes said. "When Mr. Cobain died in 1994, he left his enormously wealthy estate behind for the benefit of his mother, two sisters, a brother, his wife and young daughter. Many of those [involved with] the estate's coffers mismanaged, stole and outright looted it shamelessly." y
Grazie al TINI per la segnalazione.
Sostanzialmente in questo articolo viene evidenziato come l’estate di Cobain sia stata derubata di parecchi milioni di dollari.
Le informazioni qui di seguito rivelano uno scenario parecchio inquietante sull’avvocato, ed è per questo che sostengo con sicurezza che i figli di Michael di quello che c’è non vedranno praticamente niente.
In questo articolo si parla di John Branca come presidente della Grammy Foundation and Musicares Foundation. Questo spiega la presenza dei figli di Michael sul palco dei Grammies.
La sua vice, Mary Pattiz, ci tengo a precisare, è una specialista in problemi di alcool e droghe\farmaci (e qual è la causa della morte di Michael?).
Musicares & The Grammy Foundation Elect New Officers And New Directors
"The GRAMMY Foundation and MusiCares Foundation, affiliated charities of The Recording Academy, announced that their respective Boards have elected new Officers as well as additional Directors. John Branca, a partner at Ziffren, Brittenham, Branca, Fischer, Gilbert-Lurie & Stiffelman LLP, will serve as Board Chair for MusiCares. Steve Schnur, worldwide executive of music and marketing for Electronic Arts, will continue to serve as the GRAMMY Foundation’s Chair."
In addition to the newly elected Branca as Chair, the MusiCares roster of Officers is filled by certified drug and alcohol counselor Mary Pattiz as Vice Chair and the Urban Network’s Publisher and CEO Miller London as Secretary/Treasurer.
Questa è una parte di interrogatorio fatto da Mesereau ai tempi del processo a David LeGrand, che ha confermato che Branca è stato licenziato da Michael anni prima e che era stato già pagato per i suoi servizi.
E’ interessante capire perché Branca stia ancora rappresentando Michael Jackson, dato che quest’ultimo lo aveva già licenziato.
Mesereau : All right. So you would agree with me that Mr. Branca worked for Mr. Jackson, was paid for by Mr. Jackson, correct? He received money from Mr. Jackson for services, true?
LeGrand : I believe the Ziffren law firm received compensation from Mr. Jackson for legal services, yes.
Mesereau : Do you think Mr. Branca ever received any of those moneys for work that he performed?
LeGrand : I believe Mr. Branca was paid by his firm, yes.
Mesereau : All right. And Mr. Jackson (sic) was one of the people he fired when he was cleaning house, true?
LeGrand : Yes

Ancora durante l’interrogatorio a LeGrand. Viene fuori che Branca era in combutta con Mottola (SONY) per sottrarre a Michael del denaro (parecchio denaro). Quando questo è stato scoperto, Branca è stato licenziato e Mottola pure….giusto per salvare le apparenze. Peccato che sia poi venuto fuori che i mega della Sony passassero le informazioni a Sneddon sulle finanze di Michael, e che Branca sia stato ripreso a lavorare con Michael per il This is it su indicazione di AEG, ora in accordo con Sony.
MESEREAU: Why did you investigate Mr. Branca?
LEGRAND: I requested -- well, let me back up. After consultation with my partner, Mr.Gibson, and discussion with I believe Mr. Joss at Paul Hastings, Mr. Gibson and I instructed the firm Interfor to investigate Mr. Branca, because Mr.Konitzer had indicated in several conversations that he was very concerned about Mr. Branca and that Mr. Jackson had expressed concern about Mr. Branca’s loyalty.
Also, there was -- Mr. Schaffel related information that also was negative of Mr. Branca. So we made collectively the decision to ask Interfor to further the background investigation, to conduct investigation into Mr. Branca.
MESEREAU: But at the time, Konitzer didn’t know that you were also investigating him, right?
LEGRAND: That’s correct.
MESEREAU: At the time, Schaffel didn’t know you were also investigating Schaffel, right?
LEGRAND: That’s correct.
MESEREAU: At the time, Weizner didn’t know you were also investigating Weizner, right? …
LEGRAND: That’s correct. We did not inform them of the scope of -- the full scope of Interfor’s actions at our request.
MESEREAU: And the investigator’s report indicated it appeared that Sony was involved in that account, right?
LEGRAND: The investigator’s report indicated that Sony had transferred money to the account.
MESEREAU: Sony had transferred money to that account for the benefit of Mr. Jackson’s lawyer, right?
LEGRAND: That’s what was indicated in the report. …
MESEREAU: You investigated Mr. Branca because, in your words, you thought he was involved in self-dealing, right? …
LEGRAND: Again, you know, I want to be clear. I consulted with my partner and, you know, other lawyers, and we collectively made a decision to -- that it was prudent to have our investigator look into the possibility of such actions being taken by Mr. Branca.
MESEREAU: Isn’t it true that you were trying to investigate offshore accounts owned by Branca and someone named Tommy Motolla?
MESEREAU: Who was Tommy Motolla?
LEGRAND: He was a very powerful figure in the record industry at one time. I believe he was the president of the Sony Entertainment Division in the U.S. I’m not sure of his exact title or position.
MESEREAU: Were you concerned that Tommy Motolla and Mr. Jackson’s lawyer, John Branca, were working together to defraud Michael Jackson? …
LEGRAND: Based on the suspicions that were expressed to me and my partner, we asked Interfor to look into these rumors.
MESEREAU: Was it your belief when you started this investigation that Al Malnik, Tommy Motolla, John Branca and people at Sony were trying to find a way to get Mr. Jackson’s interest in that music catalog?
AUCHINCLOSS: Objection. Argumentative; leading; relevancy.
THE COURT: Overruled. You may answer.
LEGRAND: I’m not sure that I would include Al Malnik in that group, but I certainly was concerned that Branca and Motolla, in particular, had set the stage, so to speak, for Sony to be able to obtain Michael’s interest in the Sony/ATV joint venture.
After the investigation, Michael White resigned in writing and putting it out of anything that represents.
It appears that White did not follow instructions and did not return the documents ...
If Michael fired him of any function or speak on their behalf, after an investigation that links directly to Tommy Motolla and Sony ...
The legacy of 2002 is really quest
Grazie al TINI che mi ha segnalato la deposizione
Il Testamento……sicuri che sia valido?
According to records the alleged will was executed
the 7th of July, 2002 at 5:00PM in Los Angeles, California.
Three (3) Parties that were there that day to witness the
signing of Michael Joseph Jackson and his will:
John G. Branca Entertainment Attorney
John McClain Music Executive
Barry Seigel CPA (Aug 26, 2003 resigned his duty as
Trustee/Co Executor)
Is there evidence that Michael Jackson’s Final Will
Could be Invalid? Was the will improperly signed, the will
makes the witnesses both Executor's and Trustee's. The
California Probate Code allows anyone to witness a will, but
is an interested party witness it two disinterested parties
have to also witness it, or it will be consider writing under
duress among other this unless the devise or plan was made
solely a fiduciary purpose as in one, but the will named them
both Executors and trustees. There is a difference between
an executor and a trustee.This is a matter for the interpretation
of the court. An executor is listed on a will and the trustee is
listed in the trust. With Barry Seigels' resignation the only two
witness' and co-executor's left are John Branca and John McClain.
Branca was the lawyer who arranged for Jackson to make
the smartest business move of his career, purchasing The
Beatles’publishing catalog in 1985. He was also instrumental
in facilitating the merger of ATV (Jackson’s company) with Sony,
creating one of the world’s largest independent music publishers.
Jackson abruptly left Branca in 1990 when record company mogul
David Geffen convinced him that Branca exerted too much control
over him. Jackson re-hired him three years later, and served as
one of Jackson’s representatives on the Board of Sony/ATV.
In 2006, Branca resigned as Jackson’s lawyer and apparently
sold back his equity interest in Sony/ATV.
Two weeks before Michael Jackson's passing, Jackson rehired Branca.
Have we seen the papers that prove Michael hired him at this time?
JACKSON IN 2006 later to be rehired by Michael Jackson
not even 2 weeks prior to his death. I guess well see what happens
tomorrow Katherine Jackson is headed to the courts to get Branca
removed. TMZ reporting Attorney Brian Oxman -- the lawyer who pops
up from time to time in the Jackson saga ,says he has a document
proving Jackson fired Branca.
Grazie al
Un’altro scenario inquietante lo rappresenta Howard Weitzman, che rappresenta Branca e McClain nell’estate di Michael.
Weitzman e Branca hanno anche rappresentato l’estate di Kurt Cobain e guardate cosa è venuto fuori:
The above picture is of Howard Weitzman and John Branca. Weitzman
is legally representing Branca and McClain on the Estate of Michael
Jackson. Weitzman represented Courtney Love in the Cobain Estate.
Ask Courtney Love about Weitzman and the Cobain Estate.
John BRANCA was (or still is not sure) executor of estate of Kurt Cobain.
But Cortney LOve posted on his twitter (the account has already been deleted), but I found this link also:
and how on earth is there 24 accounts at one bank and 162 at another with all sorts of cars and credit all over 542 96 101011 minutes ago from web
seattle people do the math how is my daighter penniless? shes a minor! iid ont spend her money, she doesnt spend her money,11 minutes ago from web
all of them like i posted last night when my lawyer whio is the first one to realise whats happened and to go ater these greedy and stupid12 minutes ago from web
convinced me to do so, Activision has made thier press release, we shall make ours and we shall seek acyive damages against these fuckers12 minutes ago from web
now any smart musician knows you never EVER sell publishing whatsoever, but weitman who oozes so much charm for such a tiny fella13 minutes ago from web
certainly no frances's at one time Weitzman in 05 had me believeing i had no choice but to sell some publishing of kurts14 minutes ago from web
fake ssns the dead Frances B and franbces D cobain when theres hardly been any cobains in this country ever, and there arent any now14 minutes ago from web
i dont tend to believe in cospiracies, i get freaked out by people who do, so the forgeries the phony bank accounts the refiled taxes w15 minutes ago from web
all i do besides make my record is fight these jackals it took me a goddammed long time to understand that there was a conspiracy16 minutes ago from web
COURTNEY Love finally sobered up and realized that some of the people handling Kurt Cobain's estate had lost all the money the Nirvana frontman had left her and their daughter, Frances Bean, her lawyer says.
A team of investigators, forensic accountants and lawyers found that Cobain's estate had been looted of more than $30 million cash and up to $500 million in real estate.
"I have never seen such greed and moral turpitude. This case is going to make Bernard Madoff look warm and fuzzy," Love's lawyer, Rhonda J. Holmes, of Gordon & Holmes in San Diego, told Page Six.
"We will be filing civil cases . . . within the next 30 days. There are many, many millions missing. We've only been able to track down $30 million, but there is more. And then there is the real estate."
According to Holmes, bank accounts using Cobain, Love and Frances Bean's Social Security numbers were set up and used to buy and sell real estate across the US.
"There is now a web of homes which were bought, flipped and used to launder money -- up to $500 million worth," Holmes said. "Any of the property we can get back will be donated to people who have lost their homes in foreclosures."
Asked how this could have happened, Holmes said, "Courtney noticed the money was gone when there wasn't any left. It's no secret she struggled with substance-abuse issues, but in the last year she's taken a more serious approach to sobriety and started noticing things were wrong. She hired private investigators, accountants and me.
"We are also working with local and federal authorities," Holmes said. "When Mr. Cobain died in 1994, he left his enormously wealthy estate behind for the benefit of his mother, two sisters, a brother, his wife and young daughter. Many of those [involved with] the estate's coffers mismanaged, stole and outright looted it shamelessly." y
Grazie al TINI per la segnalazione.
Sostanzialmente in questo articolo viene evidenziato come l’estate di Cobain sia stata derubata di parecchi milioni di dollari.
Siamo inoltre in possesso di alcuni screenshots relativi al contributo finanziario di Branca e il suo gruppo alle campagne elettorali del nuovo Governatore della California e al nuovo procuratore distrettuale, il DA Kamala Harris, ma anche al suo concorrente, Steve Cooley che ha concorso nella propria rielezione.
Uploaded with [URL=][/URL]
Uploaded with [URL=][/URL]
A voi le conclusioni.
2°: http://www.geniusmichaelja
Durante il processo Jackson, nel 2005, emerse che D.Le Grand fu assunto per indagare su alcuni soci di MJ verso i quali il cantante nutriva forti sospetti riguardo al fatto che lo stessero derubando; Le Grand si servì dell'agenzia investigativa “Interfor”; durante il processo, quest'ultima scoprì una stretta relazione d'affari tra Branca e Tommy Mottola, l'ex-presidente della Sony Records, soprattutto per quel che riguardava gli affari di MJ. Interfor comincio' ad investigare sul flusso di soldi da Jackson attraverso Mottola e Branca che andavano a finire in conti fittizi nei Caraibi:
"Interfor crede che, a questo punto nelle investigazioni, se avessimo più tempo e un budget adeguato avremmo modo di sviluppare un'intelligence che andrebbe a scoprire un piano studiato per far crollare l'impero di Michael Jackson architettato da Mottola e Branca girando soldi su conti fittizi."
Fonte: ot-branca-fired -22850?page=0,0