ENGLISH: The whole case of child molestation against Michael Jackson made no sense. He was 100% INNOCENT in no uncertain terms.
The prosecution didn’t like to focus on the fact there was no EVIDENCE supporting any of their claims. The case was nothing but a mean-spirited attempt to damage Michael Jackson’s reputation and embarrass him.
Whoever reads the court record of the trial will realize that the DA Thomas Sneddon and his Asst. Prosecutors Ron Zonen, Gordon Auchincloss, and Mag Nicola did everything they could to fulfill that attempt. They also fabricated false evidence and conspired to do so.
On August 14th, 2012 the tv host William Wagener, who attended the hearings of the 2005 trial, and some Michael Jackson's supporters asked the Supervisors of the Santa Barbara County to read the affidavit of Mr. Wagener and appoint an outside Special Prosecutor to investigate Thomas Sneddon and his assistants for their conduct during the trial in 2005.
The Supervisors now have a constructive notice of a CRIME by Sneddon and have a duty to do something about it.
1) Sign the following petition: support-of-affidavit-concerning-criminal-conduct-of-tom-sneddon-2005-michael-jackson-trial/?cid=FB_TAF_CIT
2) Send the Supervisors of the Santa Barbara County one e-mail to the following e-mail
addresses: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ; This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ; This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ; This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ; This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Just copy and paste all of them in the “To” field. Please, remember to use the “CC” field to send a copy of your email to: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it It’s important to
keep a count of the e-mails sent to the Supervisors.
The following is a sample that you can copy and paste. Please, note that all the information was checkep up by lawyers:
Object: Case #1133603. Notice of Motion and Motion to Set Aside the Indictment (Penal Code Sect 995) 06/29/2004 Released: 03/08/2006
Supervisors of Santa Barbara County, California Santa Barbara County
1st District Salud Carbajal, Supervisor 2nd District Janet Wolf, Supervisor 3rd District Doreen Farr, Supervisor 4th District Joni Gray, Supervisor 5th District Steve Lavagnino, Supervisor
Dear Supervisors:
This letter serves to express my continued support of the affidavit presented by Mr. William Wagener to you and your fellow County Supervisors in public forum on August 14th, 2012.
I wish to address other felonies committed by Tom Sneddon. I strongly urge that the below felonies be considered when determining whether a special prosecutor is assigned to investigate this matter.
Each felony has been tested by several legal representatives to insure they fall under fraud of the court. Each felony is a matter of court record. The body of the below criminal acts are found in the Santa Barbara Superior Court criminal records Case #1133603. Notice of Motion and Motion to Set Aside the Indictment (Penal Code Section 995) 06/29/2004 Released: 03/08/2006.
1. Tom Sneddon conspired to change the dates of the alleged molestation to fit the timeframe that both Michael Jackson and the alleged victim, Gavin Arvizo, were in the same city/state.
2. Tom Sneddon knowingly requested arrest warrant for Michael Jackson based on a false witness statement by Gavin Arivzo and family to Forensic Psychologist Dr. Katz. The statement contains manufactured dates and occurrences of the alleged molestation.
3. Tom Sneddon used the same fraudulent statement as probable cause to obtain several search warrants for Michael Jackson’s home
4. Tom Sneddon knowingly filed false kidnapping charges against Michael Jackson when he was aware the alleged victims of the kidnapping moved about freely on shopping trips and was also in contact with Tom Sneddon himself during the alleged kidnapping timeframe.
5. District Attorney Tom Sneddon conspired to imprison falsely Mr. Michael Jackson by violating his right to a fair trial in withholding exculpatory evidence from the Grand Jurors, the Courts and Defense attorneys.
Brady v. Maryland decision, prosecutors have a duty to disclose the exculpatory evidence even if not requested. This includes disclosing the evidence it has in its possession, custody or control, the prosecution's duty to disclose includes all information known to any member of its team, e.g., police, investigators, crime lab, etc
Your Name
(State & Country)
3) Send your letter by snail mail. In this case, you have 5 letters to send, one to each supervisor: Mr. Cabajal, Mrs. Wolf, Mrs. Farr, Mrs. Gray and Mr. Lavagnino. You have to print your 5 letters and sign them by hand. Moreover, you have to send a duplicate of the 5 letters you signed to Mr. Wagener.
List of the addresses:
N° 1: 1st District Supervisor, Salud Carbajal, Supervisor 105 E,
Anapamu Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101, EEUU
N° 2: 2nd District Janet Wolf, Supervisor 105,
East Anapamu Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101, EEUU
N° 3: 3rd District Doreen Farr, Supervisor Santa Ynez Valley Field, Office 1745
Mission Drive Solvang, CA 93463, EEUU
N°4: 4th District Joni Gray, Supervisor 100 East, Locust Avenue, Suite 101
Lompoc, CA 93436, EEUU
N° 5: 5th District Steve Lavagnino, Supervisor 511, East Lakeside Parkway, Suite 141,
Santa Maria, CA 93455-134, EEUU
Mr. Wagener address is:
William J. Wagener
PP Box 7522 Santa Maria
CA 93456
The following is a sample that you can copy and paste. Please, note that all the information was checked up by lawyers:
Dear ....,
This letter serves to express my continued support of the affidavit presented by Mr. William Wagener to you and your fellow County Supervisors in public forum on August 14th, 2012. I wish to address other felonies committed by Thomas Sneddon. I strongly urge that the below felonies be considered when determining whether a special prosecutor is assigned to investigate this matter.
Each felony has been tested by several legal representatives to insure they fall under fraud of the court. Each felony is a matter of court record. The body of the below criminal acts are found in the Santa Barbara Superior Court criminal records Case #1133603. Notice of Motion and Motion to Set Aside the Indictment (Penal Code Section 995) 06/29/2004 Released: 03/08/2006.
1. Thomas Sneddon conspired to change the dates of the alleged molestation to fit the timeframe that both Michael Jackson and the alleged victim, Gavin Arvizo, were in the same city/state.
2. Thomas Sneddon knowingly requested arrest warrant for Michael Jackson based on a false witness statement by Gavin Arvizo and family to Forensic Psychologist Dr. Katz. The statement contains manufactured dates and occurrences of the alleged molestation.
3. Thomas Sneddon used the same fraudulent statement as probable cause to obtain several search warrants for Michael Jackson’s home.
4. Thomas Sneddon knowingly filed false kidnapping charges against Michael Jackson when he was aware the alleged victims of the kidnapping moved about freely on shopping trips and was also in contact with Thomas Sneddon himself during the alleged kidnapping timeframe.
5. Thomas Sneddon approved a search warrant and a raid on the home of Michael Jackson's personal assistant, whereby folders labeled "Defense Attorney", a fax addressed to the defense attorney, 15 items covered by attorney-client privilege and at least 36 items that were not covered by the search warrant were illegally seized.
Your Name
(State & Country)
ITALIANO: L’intero caso di abuso su minore contro Michael Jackson non aveva alcun senso. Lui era INNOCENTE al 100% in termini inequivocabili.
Il 14 agosto 2012 il presentatore televisivo William Wagener, che presenziò alle udienze del processo del 2005, e alcuni sostenitori di Michael Jackson hanno chiesto ai supervisori della contea di Santa Barbara di leggere la dichiarazione giurata del signor Wagener per nominare un procuratore speciale esterno che indaghi su Thomas Sneddon ed i suoi assistenti per la loro condotta durante il processo del 2005.

Perfavore, facciamo sapere ai supervisori che la dichiarazione giurata ha il supporto di tutti coloro che lottano per difendere i propri diritti.
1) Firmate la seguente petizione: support-of-affidavit-concerning-criminal-conduct-of-tom-sneddon-2005-michael-jackson-trial/?cid=FB_TAF_CIT
2) Spedite una singola email ai Supervisori della Contea di Santa Barbara ai seguenti indirizzi: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ; This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ; This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ; This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ; This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Semplicemente, copiateli e incollateli tutti nel campo “a”: Perfavore, ricordate anche di usare il campo “CC” per spedire una copia della vostra email a: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
E’ importante per tenere il contro delle email spedite ai Supervisori.
Il seguente è un esempio che potete copiare e incollare. Perfavore, notate che tutte informazioni sono state supervisionate da avvocati:
Oggetto: Case #1133603. Notice of Motion and Motion to Set Aside the Indictment (Penal Code Sect 995) 06/29/2004 Released: 03/08/2006
Supervisors of Santa Barbara County, California Santa Barbara County
1st District Salud Carbajal, Supervisor 2nd District Janet Wolf, Supervisor 3rd District Doreen Farr, Supervisor 4th District Joni Gray, Supervisor 5th District Steve Lavagnino, Supervisor
Dear Supervisors:
This letter serves to express my continued support of the affidavit presented by Mr. William Wagener to you and your fellow County Supervisors in public forum on August 14th, 2012.
I wish to address other felonies committed by Tom Sneddon. I strongly urge that the below felonies be considered when determining whether a special prosecutor is assigned to investigate this matter.
Each felony has been tested by several legal representatives to insure they fall under fraud of the court. Each felony is a matter of court record. The body of the below criminal acts are found in the Santa Barbara Superior Court criminal records Case #1133603. Notice of Motion and Motion to Set Aside the Indictment (Penal Code Section 995) 06/29/2004 Released: 03/08/2006.
1. Tom Sneddon conspired to change the dates of the alleged molestation to fit the timeframe that both Michael Jackson and the alleged victim, Gavin Arvizo, were in the same city/state.
2. Tom Sneddon knowingly requested arrest warrant for Michael Jackson based on a false witness statement by Gavin Arivzo and family to Forensic Psychologist Dr. Katz. The statement contains manufactured dates and occurrences of the alleged molestation.
3. Tom Sneddon used the same fraudulent statement as probable cause to obtain several search warrants for Michael Jackson’s home
4. Tom Sneddon knowingly filed false kidnapping charges against Michael Jackson when he was aware the alleged victims of the kidnapping moved about freely on shopping trips and was also in contact with Tom Sneddon himself during the alleged kidnapping timeframe.
5. District Attorney Tom Sneddon conspired to imprison falsely Mr. Michael Jackson by violating his right to a fair trial in withholding exculpatory evidence from the Grand Jurors, the Courts and Defense attorneys.
Brady v. Maryland decision, prosecutors have a duty to disclose the exculpatory evidence even if not requested. This includes disclosing the evidence it has in its possession, custody or control, the prosecution's duty to disclose includes all information known to any member of its team, e.g., police, investigators, crime lab, etc
Nome e Cognome
(Città e Stato)
3) Spedite la vostra lettera per posta ordinaria. In questo caso, avete 5 lettere da spedire, una per ciascun supervisore: Mr. Cabajal, Mrs. Wolf, Mrs. Farr, Mrs. Gray e Mr. Lavagnino. Dovete stampare le 5 lettere e firmarle a mano. Inoltre, dovete spedire una fotocopia delle 5 lettere firmate a Mr. Wagener.
Elenco degli indirizzi:
N° 1: 1st District Supervisor, Salud Carbajal, Supervisor 105 E,
Anapamu Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101, EEUU
N° 2: 2nd District Janet Wolf, Supervisor 105,
East Anapamu Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101, EEUU
N° 3: 3rd District Doreen Farr, Supervisor Santa Ynez Valley Field, Office 1745
Mission Drive Solvang, CA 93463, EEUU
N°4: 4th District Joni Gray, Supervisor 100 East, Locust Avenue, Suite 101
Lompoc, CA 93436, EEUU
N° 5: 5th District Steve Lavagnino, Supervisor 511, East Lakeside Parkway, Suite 141,
Santa Maria, CA 93455-134, EEUU
L'indirizzo del signor Wagener è:
William J. Wagener
PP Box 7522 Santa Maria
CA 93456
Il seguente è un esempio che potete copiare ed incollare. Perfavore, notate che tutte le informazioni sono state supervisionate da avvocati:
Data: (Prima il MESE, poi il GIORNO e l’ANNO)
Dear ....,
This letter serves to express my continued support of the affidavit presented by Mr. William Wagener to you and your fellow County Supervisors in public forum on August 14th, 2012. I wish to address other felonies committed by Thomas Sneddon. I strongly urge that the below felonies be considered when determining whether a special prosecutor is assigned to investigate this matter.
Each felony has been tested by several legal representatives to insure they fall under fraud of the court. Each felony is a matter of court record. The body of the below criminal acts are found in the Santa Barbara Superior Court criminal records Case #1133603. Notice of Motion and Motion to Set Aside the Indictment (Penal Code Section 995) 06/29/2004 Released: 03/08/2006.
1. Thomas Sneddon conspired to change the dates of the alleged molestation to fit the timeframe that both Michael Jackson and the alleged victim, Gavin Arvizo, were in the same city/state.
2. Thomas Sneddon knowingly requested arrest warrant for Michael Jackson based on a false witness statement by Gavin Arvizo and family to Forensic Psychologist Dr. Katz. The statement contains manufactured dates and occurrences of the alleged molestation.
3. Thomas Sneddon used the same fraudulent statement as probable cause to obtain several search warrants for Michael Jackson’s home.
4. Thomas Sneddon knowingly filed false kidnapping charges against Michael Jackson when he was aware the alleged victims of the kidnapping moved about freely on shopping trips and was also in contact with Thomas Sneddon himself during the alleged kidnapping timeframe.
5. Thomas Sneddon approved a search warrant and a raid on the home of Michael Jackson's personal assistant, whereby folders labeled "Defense Attorney", a fax addressed to the defense attorney, 15 items covered by attorney-client privilege and at least 36 items that were not covered by the search warrant were illegally seized.
Nome e Cognome
(Città e Stato)